Articles and Cavalry Group Correspondence Relevant to USDA
The Hidden Threat of the Sustains Act
Tri-State Livestock News: SUSTAINS Act: Implementing Law to Accept Private Funds for USDA Conservation Programs
Op-Ed: The SUSTAINS Act is Not Sustainable for Our Western Way of Life
The Greed Agenda: Unveiling the Financial Web of Public Private Partnerships
USDA Heavy-Handed Enforcement and Overreach:
Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Munitions and Ammo Purchased During the Obama Years May Come Back to Haunt Us
USDA Fails to Protect Animal Businesses
USDA Proceeds with Job Killing Rule
USDA Leaks Photos and Adresses of Dog Breederss to ASPCA
Animal Rights Activists Hijacking USDA
USDA's Regulatory Assault: The Brakke's Fight to Keep Their Farm
The Cavalry Group's Mission: Article
Protecting Your Way of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness
Radio Interviews & Podcasts:
The Heart of Rural America Podcast: SUSTAINS ACT: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Rural Route Radio with Trent Loos Podcast: Mindy Patterson of The Cavalry Group - The SUSTAINS ACT
Law Firm Letters to USDA and more:
Goldberg Segalla, LLP letter to USDA: The Unreasonable, Arbitrary, and Capricious Implementation and Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act by USDA-APHIS
Reeg Law Formal Complaint Against USDA-APHIS
Penalta Law Firm Letter to USDA: USDA Presents Dangerous Precedent for U.S. Cattle Industry
The Cavalry Group • P.O. Box 8 • Guthrie • OK • 73044 • Ph: 855-748-4210